
Showing posts from February, 2018


A  tecnologia na nuvem  cada vez mais se consolida como um importante e indispens�vel catalisador da capacidade de inova��o e  transforma��o digital . Proje��es indicam que, conforme os anos avancem, a cloud computing vai impactar ainda mais a economia, gerando empregos e aumentando os ganhos de empresas de todos os setores. O estudo  Salesforce Economy  realizado pela IDC e patrocinado pela Salesforce refor�a essa percep��o. Prev�-se que entre 2016 e 2022 a Salesforce e seu ecossistema de clientes e parceiros estimular�o a cria��o de 3,3 milh�es de novos empregos e injetar�o mais de US$ 859 bilh�es em novas receitas de neg�cios em todo o mundo. O cliente no centro de tudo e a nuvem ao seu redor O cen�rio positivo projetado pela pesquisa � resultado do aumento da capacidade de inova��o em TI proporcionado pela nuvem, tecnologia que embasa todos os nossos servi�os. � a partir dela que as empresas conseguem inovar mais e desenvolver projetos de maneira mais aceler...


6 Security Podcasts You Should Be Listening to Now Posted:  January 29, 2018   -  by:  observeit Podcasts are on fire lately. We�ve especially enjoyed the wide range and high quality of cybersecurity podcasts that are available now for free. They offer a cost-effective and convenient way to stay up to date on security news, brush up your skills, and expose yourself to a wider range of perspectives. For that reason, we polled our internal security experts to find out what their favorite security podcasts are these days. Here�s what they recommend you tune into! The CyberWire�s Daily Podcast Need a quick update on daily cybersecurity happenings?  The CyberWire�s podcast �published every weekday afternoon East Coast time�promises to bring �more signal, less noise,� and our team loves it. The concise podcast includes interviews with experts spanning industry, academia, and research, and shares perspectives from all over the world. If you want to make sure you n...


O ecossistema de nuvem no qual confiam mais de 150 mil utilizadores O Barracuda Cloud � o primeiro ecossistema que aproveita a inform�tica na nuvem a pedido para simplificar a seguran�a de dados, o armazenamento e a gest�o de TI. A nossa nuvem � um elemento complementar de todos os produtos Barracuda, fornecendo uma camada adicional de prote��o e escalabilidade. Pode escolher quanto das capacidades do Barracuda Cloud precisa, mantendo simultaneamente o controlo nas instala��es sobre a sua informa��o digital. Execu��o na nuvem ou nas instala��es? A decis�o � sua! Se utilizar os nossos dispositivos f�sicos locais, os aplicativos virtual ou executar as nossas solu��es no Amazon Web Services e Microsoft Azure, pode utilizar o Barracuda Cloud. Oferecemos tamb�m op��es de software como servi�o (SaaS, Software as a Service) para correio eletr�nico e seguran�a Web, partilha de ficheiros e solu��es de assinatura eletr�nica. Prote��o cont�nua contra amea�as Antecipe-se �s amea�as As solu��es de ...


Veeam� recognizes the new challenges companies across the globe face in enabling the Always-On Enterprise�, a business that must operate 24.7.365. To address this, Veeam has pioneered a new market of  Availability for the Always-On Enterprise � by helping organizations meet recovery time and point objectives (RTPO�) of less than 15 minutes for any application, any data, on any cloud -  a fundamentally new kind of solution that delivers non-stop business continuity, digital transformation agility with multi-cloud management and migration, and analytics and visibility with actionable insights for data management, operational performance and compliance.   Veeam Availability Suite� , which includes  Veeam Backup & Replication� , leverages virtualization, storage, and cloud technologies that enable the modern data center to help organizations save time, mitigate risks, and dramatically reduce capital and operational costs, while always supporting the current...


Saiba por que a SolarWinds � a n�mero um em software de gerenciamento de redes.* Simplicidade inesperada Monitor de rede avan�ado e intuitivo, para que voc� possa come�ar a solucionar problemas imediatamente. Totalmente escalon�vel Escalonamento de monitoramento de rede pronto para uso que permite administrar o crescimento da organiza��o, qualquer que ele seja, hoje e amanh�. O que voc� precisa, no momento em que for necess�rio Adapte o NPM �s suas necessidades com suporte a v�rios fornecedores e pain�is, exibi��es e gr�ficos personaliz�veis. Criado por profissionais de TI, para profissionais de TI Trabalhamos como engenheiros de rede e de sistemas e, portanto, entendemos os seus problemas e como resolv�-los. A SolarWinds tem v�deos informativos sobre produtos � sua disposi��o. O Success Center oferece um pacote completo de v�deos que ajudar� voc� a utilizar os v�rios recursos do Network Performance Monitor. Pressione o bot�o de reprodu��o e aumente seu repert�rio de dicas �teis. #Sola...


2U, Inc Aha! Moment Our goal was to find a way to improve the quality and efficiency of our product development and roadmapping process. We found that - and more - with Aha! Kailey Roeder, Product Manager: Internal IT Systems About 2U 2U, Inc. [NASDAQ: TWOU] partners with leading colleges and universities to deliver the world's best online degree programs so students everywhere can reach their full potential. Our platform, a fusion of cloud-based software-as-a-service technology and technology-enabled services, provides schools with the comprehensive operating infrastructure they need to attract, enroll, educate, support, and graduate students globally. Blending live face-to-face classes, dynamic course content, and real-world learning experiences, 2U's No Back Row� approach ensures that every qualified student can experience the highest quality university education for the most successful outcome. We had a problem 2U's product development team works diligently to provide q...


Evolving the Developer Experience. Again. At Heroku, we believe that great apps come from developers using tools they love. That�s why a great developer experience has always been at the very heart of what we do. Heroku makes the processes of deploying, configuring, scaling, tuning, and managing apps as simple and straightforward as possible, so developers can focus on what�s most important: building great apps that delight and engage customers. Heroku DX pervades Heroku. Here are three developer experience features that provide better control surfaces, deeper performance insights, easier database management, and a powerful one-click method for configuration and deployment. Heroku Dashboard + Metrics The Heroku Dashboard is at the center of the developer�s Heroku experience. Dashboard is where you manage all of your apps and organizations, scale your deployments up or down, and manage databases and add-ons. The Heroku Dashboard makes all of this much easier and more intuitive, with tho...

Periscope Data

Periscope Data Co-Founder and CEO Harry Glaser to Appear on Panel at SaaStr Annual Conference SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 25, 2018 /PRNewswire/ --  Periscope Data  Co-Founder and CEO Harry Glaser will speak on a panel the  SaaStr Annual Conference  on February 8 at the Hilton Union Square Hotel in San Francisco. The panel, titled " How to Move Forward: Build, Measure & Scale Diversity & Inclusion at Every Stage ," will highlight the values, habits, policies and strategies needed to ensure diversity and inclusion remain important priorities throughout an organization. The panel will take place in Studio C beginning at 1:10 p.m. PT, and will also include Martina Lauchengco, Operating Partner at Costanoa Ventures; Judith Williams, Former Head of Global Diversity at Dropbox; and Margie Mader-Clark, VP of People at Gladly. Glaser has made inclusion and diversity  core values  of the company to support a...


Website performance from a global perspective. Website Monitoring Get deep insights on the uptime and performance of Web applications and Internet services from over 90+ global locations and also from within a private network. Ensure DevOps and SysAdmin teams gain visibility into critical website performance metrics through powerful dashboards and alerts, enabling them to take instant decisions. Key Features Website Performance Monitoring Web Page Speed (Browser) DNS Server Monitoring Monitoring from 90+ Global locations Website Availability Monitoring (HTTP / HTTPS) Website Defacement Monitoring FTP Transfer Monitoring REST API Monitoring SSL/TLS Certificate Monitoring Web Transaction (Browser) Monitoring Real User Monitoring (Web) End User Experience Monitoring Monitor your Internal Network Mail Delivery Monitoring REST APIs SOAP Web Service Monitoring Ping Server, Port (Custom Protocol), POP Server, IMAP Server and SMTP Server Monitoring #site24x7 #Taleo #SugarCrm #Domo #Splunk #RSA...


How-to: Analyze Fantasy Sports using Apache Spark and SQL As part of the drumbeat for  Spark Summit West  in San Francisco (June 6-8),  learn how analyzing stats from professional sports leagues is an instructive use case for data analytics using Apache Spark with SQL. In the United States, many diehard sports fans morph into amateur statisticians to get an edge over the competition in their fantasy sports leagues. Depending on one�s technical chops, this �edge� is usually no more sophisticated than simple spreadsheet analysis, but some particularly intense people go to the extent of creating their own player rankings and projection systems. Online tools can provide similar capabilities, but it�s not often transparent where the numbers come from. Although the data involved is not large in volume, the types of data processing, data analytics, and machine-learning techniques used in this area are common to many Apache Hadoop use cases. So, fantasy sports analytics prov...


Apigee is now Part of Google On November 10, 2016, Google completed the acquisition of Apigee. Apigee is proud to be a leader in APIs. We have a solid track record of working hand in hand with some of the largest and most demanding brands in the world to solve new problems and create new products. We're excited to accelerate our journey to connect the world through APIs as part of the Google team. An API Platform for Digital Business Apigee delivers an API platform to accelerate the pace of digital business. We help companies � from disruptive start-ups to the Fortune 100 � use their enterprise data and services to create connected digital experiences for customers, partners and employees. This is digital business. Many of the world's largest organizations select Apigee to enable their digital business. Apigee customers include global enterprises such as Walgreens, Burberry, Morningstar, and First Data. In this video, discover how Apigee�s API platform builds the right foundati...


If you want to see data being put hard at work, look no further than artificial intelligence and machine learning � never before has timely, accurate data been so critical. A recent  survey released by Narrative Science  finds 61 percent of enterprises have already implemented AI within their businesses. At least 71 percent said AI was part of their enterprises� innovation strategies. At the same time, 90 percent of respondents in the business intelligence function reported that they would be interested in incorporating AI to make their data and analytics tools smarter. At the same time, AI and machine learning are not overnight projects in themselves � they take considerable time and expertise to get rolling, and constantly need refreshing and updating. So it looks like a lot of work is going to take place in this area in the year ahead. That is one of the  takeaways from Jim Kobielus , analyst with SiliconAngle/Wikibon and one of the industry�s top data analysts, who re...